Pott Shrigley Class 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Williams
It's now January 2025 and Class 1 have so much to do in the spring term!
In History we are going to be thinking all about communication and how this has changed throughout time. We are hoping to visit a post office to send a letter and see how this has changed to now sending emails. Our classroom role- play area has been developed into a post office where we are going to practice our shop skills as well as developing writing for a purpose further.
We are really lucky to be going to gymnastics on a Friday afternoon during our first half term and back to forest schools in spring 2. Our PE days will remain as Tuesday and Friday.
In Science we are going to be grouping and sorting different animals and learning about what it takes to look after an animal... what do they need? In art we are going to look at the artist 'Mondrian' and use his influence in some creations of our own.
Recepetion will continue to embed the set 1 speed sounds, using them to read and make simple words. Year 1 will continue to practice the set 2 and 3 sounds and will be working on becoming more fluent in their reading. In Literacy we are going to start to explore the lovely story of 'Old Bear'.
In Maths we return to develop and deepen our 'number skills' and problem-solving in reception and year 1.
We can't wait to see what our collective worships will bring this term and all the other things we learn throughout this term.