Pott Shrigley Class 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Slater

Welcome to Class 2.
It is my great delight to welcome the children and families to Spring Term.  We have a fantastic term of learning ahead and I can't wait.  Our History topic in Spring 1 is Titanic, our Science unit focuses on healthy animals including humans, we are focussing on spreadsheets in Computing and thinkgin about how Jesus changes peoples lives in RE.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday - children are to come into school in their kits both days. In Spring 1 the class will be going to Gymnastics on a Friday afternoon.
Spellings will be given out on Friday's after a spelling lesson and tested on  Friday's.
Please can children read at home each day - the more practise the better for fluency, expression and understanding.  Your child will read with their class teacher at least once per week.
Mrs Slater


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Pott Shrigley Church School
Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 5RT

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