Pott Shrigley Class 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Kennedy
Welcome to Class 3
I would like to wish all our families a very happy and peaceful New Year for 2025. We, again, have an exciting and ambitious learning journey planned for our Spring term.
In Maths, Years 4 and 5 will focus on Multiplication, Fractions, Decimals and Shape – our work in Autumn in securing knowledge of times tables and number facts will be put to good use in the application of this new learning. Year 6 will move onto new learning of Ratio, Algebra and Decimals as well as preparation ahead of their end of KS2 Sats tests. Good luck to all our fantastic Mathematicians.
Our next English text is called ‘Rose Blanche’ which is the story of a girl who lives in a small town in Germany during World War 2. The children will be learning the literary techniques needed to produce their own historical diary entry and a speech.
Our English text has been chosen to tie in with our next History topic – ‘Is it Right to Fight?’. Through investigation, research, drama and discussion, we will find out why and when World War 2 started and the impact it had on Britain and the families that lived there.
Our next Science topic is ‘Properties of Materials’ where we will be experimenting and investigating what things are made of and how we use their properties to help us in everyday life and beyond.
In RE, we will be looking in depth at Jesus – as the Son of God and how he impacted our lives as a man on earth.
In Art this term, our focus will be on two influential but very different artists - Monet and Dali. We will build on our sketching and painting techniques by learning more about impressionist and surrealist artwork, making comparisons and forming our own opinions about artists' works.
This term, PE will be on a Tuesday. The children will need to attend school in their PE kit every Tuesday. Class 3 will also have Forest School every Friday. Spellings will be given to the class on a Monday morning and tested on a Friday. I will be giving the children techniques and guidance of how best to learn these weekly words in preparation for the test. Reading for pleasure is an important focus for us and we encourage the children to read as much as possible. Support from home to encourage this vital life skill will be greatly appreciated.
Please do not hesitate to contact me through Dojo if you have any questions or worries about your child’s learning.