Autumn Term recap!
Our Autumn Term was so busy!
In our first half term we learnt about the local area to school, we took part in a traffic survey to see how busy the road outside school was and learnt more about our school by drawing simple maps. We discovered more about materials and investigated how to fix a leaky umbrella. We now also know much more about the weather and seasons and have made different objects to 'capture' the weather.
We developed our understanding of number bonds to 10 and have been trying to get these as automatic as possible for our year 1 pupils! Reception pupils have been learning about subitising numbers up to 5 and spotting shapes in our environment.
Our reading has developed massively in the first half term, reception pupils have been introduced to all of the speed sounds now and are begining to blend them together. Year 1 have been learning more tricky sounds such as 'oy' 'igh' and 'ow' we call these the set 2 and 3 sounds. They have then been practicing these in books in class and at home. All this hard work in our phonics lessons in also feeding into our literacy sessions and we have seen the pupils wriitng really coming on. We have studied two texts in detail 'The Something' and 'The star in the jar' as well as so many other books we have shared for pleasure.
We have made a junk model of our school and made diva lamps and woodland animals out of clay.
In addition to all of this excitement in the classroom we have loved our dance lessons on a Friday with Amy followed by forest schools in our second half term. We have visited the theatre to see the 'Three Musceteers' and put on an amazing Nativity performance!
We were really ready for a rest over the Christmas Holidays!