School Meals
School meals/packed lunches
Our school meals are cooked at a local primary school and transported to the school by our own staff. The menu is seasonal with a hot option and vegetarian alternative each day.
We are part of the ‘Healthy School’ provision and support the ‘healthy lunch box’ scheme. If your child will be having packed lunches please make this as healthy and balanced as possible. We do not allow hot food to be brought into school. (Our Packed Lunch Policy is available upon request).
All reported food allergies/dietary requirements must be supported by written medical evidence.
To fit into our healthy, wholesome ethos, we compost as much food waste as possible and recycle glass, plastic, tin and card which the children are involved in.
In order that the catering department can control the food ordering we require one weeks’ notice if you wish your child to stop receiving school meals.
All children should have a named water bottle in school. This should be left in school where it will be washed and refilled daily with fresh water (no juice: unless supported by written medical evidence).
Food Information Regulations
Due to the new legislation from the food standards agency (dated 13.12.14), the EU Law has listed 14 allergens that need to be identified if they are used as ingredients in a dish.
Meals for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are free. For Year 3 and above meals cost £2.40 per day payable by term via or alternatively cheque made payable to Cheshire East BC or cash to the school office in a named envelope.
Payment is preferred half-termly, although we do accept weekly payments. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Cheshire East BC’. ePayments are available - please refer to the link. All cash/cheque payments must be made via the school office in a named envelope, on a Monday morning.